Disabling SIP ALG on Your Router


In the world of modern communication, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has become increasingly popular.  It allows us to make phone calls over the internet, saving both money and providing flexibility. However, when using VoIP services, there’s a hidden hurdle that can impact your call quality, performance, and overall reliability – SIP ALG. In this article, we’ll explore what SIP ALG is, why disabling it is important, and how it can affect your communication experience.

What is SIP ALG?

Session Initiation Protocol Application Layer Gateway (SIP ALG) is a feature found in many routers and firewalls. Its primary purpose is to assist in the translation of SIP packets that are used in VoIP communications.  SIP is the protocol responsible for initiating, maintaining, modifying, and terminating real-time sessions that involve video, voice, messaging, and other communications applications.

SIP ALG monitors and modifies these SIP packets as they pass through your router or firewall.  It does this to overcome potential issues caused by Network Address Translation (NAT), which is used to allow multiple devices on a local network to share a single public IP address.

Why Disable SIP ALG?

While SIP ALG might sound like a helpful feature, it can actually lead to a host of problems:

  1. Call Quality Issues: SIP ALG can unintentionally alter the SIP packets, causing call drops, poor audio quality, echo, and one-way audio issues. These disruptions can be frustrating during important conversations or business calls.
  2. Reliability: SIP ALG’s interference with SIP packets can lead to unreliable connections. It can disrupt call setups, leading to failed calls or delayed call initiation.
  3. Incompatibility: Not all VoIP services are compatible with SIP ALG. Some VoIP providers recommend disabling it to ensure proper communication.  IBeXc services have been designed to work without SIP ALG.  Having the SIP ALG active will cause issues with IBeXc hosted VoIP.
  4. Security Risks: In some cases, SIP ALG can introduce vulnerabilities, potentially exposing your network to security risks. Disabling it can help mitigate these risks.
  5. Debugging Challenges: When troubleshooting VoIP issues, SIP ALG can make it harder to identify the root cause of problems. Disabling it simplifies the diagnostic process.

How to Disable SIP ALG

Disabling SIP ALG on your router is typically a straightforward process. Here are the general steps to follow:

  1. Access your router’s web interface: Open a web browser and enter your router’s IP address (common addresses include or You may need to enter a username and password to log in.
  2. Locate SIP ALG settings: The location of SIP ALG settings can vary depending on your router’s make and model. Look for a section related to “Application Layer Gateway,” “SIP ALG,” or “SIP Passthrough.”
  3. Disable SIP ALG: Once you find the SIP ALG settings, disable the feature by toggling the switch or selecting “Disable.” Save your changes and reboot your router if required.
  4. Test your VoIP service: After disabling SIP ALG, test your VoIP service to ensure improved call quality, performance, and reliability. If issues persist, consult your VoIP provider or consider other network optimizations.


SIP ALG may seem like a helpful feature, but it often causes more harm than good when it comes to VoIP communication.  Disabling SIP ALG on your router can lead to a better call quality, increased reliability, and fewer headaches during your important conversations.  While the process may vary depending on your router’s model, it’s a small adjustment that can make a significant difference in your VoIP experience.  If you’re experiencing issues with your VoIP service, it’s worth checking whether SIP ALG is enabled on your router and disabling it if necessary.  Your communication quality will thank you for it.